Outbox Sound Lets think together


Fabfilter MB Vs. Waves C6


Waves C6 vs Fabfilter Multiband Compressor Who Wins ?


If you are like me you are always looking to slap a multiband compressor (MB) on everything. Why? Because I can. Also to alter the sound to get exactly what I want. Let’s talk about some findings between Waves C6 MB plugin and Fabfilter MB from Fabfilter. These two plugins can make or break you, but you have to live on the edge of mixing to see what’s right for your style.



Waves C6 Multi-band features

  • Internal/external sidechain per band
  • Individual band Listen mode
  • Four crossover bands plus two floating bands
  • Dynamic EQ, compression and expansion
  • Double precision bit resolution processing



Fabfilter Multi-band  features


  • Fully customizable per band: threshold, range, attack, release, output gain, ratio, variable knee, lookahead (up to 20 ms), variable stereo linking, mid- or side-only processing, external side chain input, triggering on a separate frequency range
  • Handles any form of dynamics processing, from highly transparent compression, limiting and expansion to pumping upward compression and punchy gating
  • Up to six processing bands, freely placed anywhere in the spectrum
  • Bands can be easily snapped together to form a traditional crossover system



User interface

Now... Waves has been around for a while, however when it comes on to user experience I have to give it to Fabfilter, their methods of control knobs makes the experience feel real and the real-time frequency analyzer helps when you are unsure about things. The wonderful thing is that it is quick and easy to conceptualize. Waves on the other hand, you have to really use this tool for a while for it to be quick. I find the plugin to be very cluttered and confusing at times.


Specific features:

Fabfilters dynamic EQ shapes can really get you the sound you want or something totally different. This is something that you could spend a lot of time on or just stick with the traditional crossover patterns. The thing that really helps Fabfilter MB is the side-chaining capabilities. Not only can you do external side chains but you can also do internal frequency side chain, where it allows you to pick a range of frequencies that triggers one of the 6 bands of compression or expansion. Mind you all six bands can have there own frequency side chain. Waves also has side chaining however it is just external, the flexibility of Fabfilter is just too good.



Fabfilter MB is $199 and Waves C6 is $299. So the choice is up to you.



Sum up:

Who wins in this battle ? Fabfilter MB wins for me.  However you really need to look at these plugins as tools. I use waves C6 on my lead vocals for an excited sound (waves plugins has a color to them so beware), and I use Fabfilter MB on instruments tracks to get a well rounded, realistic/transparent and finished sound. When it comes on to burden on your computer, you can have quite a few instances of Fabfilter MB and Waves C6 is much more burdensome on system usage. Now as engineers you really really should not just take my word for it. Check out the links below and download a demo for both.








Brought to you by Justin Hunter from OutboxSound


Outbox Sound Let’s Think Together !


PS: this blog was written for individuals mixing in the box. Not individuals using Waves Rack or other live performance plugin systems for live mixing.